Can I just shave my legs?

Do you have the GALL? May 7, 2009 Print | Email

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 8:11 pm

Gallbladder surgery.  I was faced with it two weeks ago.  I was in pain, got to the hospital, and they fixed me and sent me home in 36 hours.  Amazing, yes…life changing?  YES!  Through my recovery, I realized how much more fixing I needed than just having my gallbladder removed.  I needed to make changes, and do some more surgery removal from my life.  I found myself at a fork in the road.  Do I continue down the same path, continually fighting my desires that brought me down into depression?  Do I continue down the road of remembering regrets and hanging onto bitterness?  I knew if I continued down the same path, I was going to fall deep, and spiral downward quickly.  I would continue to repeat doing what only brought me misery.  This would lead to many pity-parties (don’t worry, I wouldn’t invite you!), time in bed, eating too much and blaming myself.  This would then bring me to guilt, and looking at all of my past failures and regrets.  This, essentially, would lead me to death in only living a life of misery, without joy.  I had been down that road more than I could count on all of my fingers and toes.  Laying in bed, recovering, and sleeping, I was tempted to skip down it again.  I KNOW how to find joy in living this life God gave me.  I have to do what He wants me to do, not what I want to do.  But, it’s soo hard!  Did I have the GALL to do it?  After all, my surgery took my gallbladder!  Did I have anything left to take the road that was filled with branches to walk through, and mud to step over?  The other road bare, and easy to walk down.  The road I knew I needed to take was overwhelming.  I wouldn’t be able to do it on my own.  I had to have God walk me through it, moving the branches for me, and drying the mud so I could put my foot on a firm piece of ground.  I had no choice.  God had called me to change.  God said, “Go!”  God said, “Do!”  I didn’t know how it would all work, and I still don’t.  But I am going, and I am doing, because I know that living the way God wants me to live, and doing what He has created me for willfree me from all of the misery.  It doesn’t make sense, and it seems backwards, but I know that as I have made baby steps, I am less tempted to go down the easy road.  Did I mention that I asked for this?  I prayed for God to help me change, and to lose weight…Who knew His answer would come through gallbladder surgery!  Do you have the gall?  Are you willing to make the changes God is asking you to make?  Do you have the gall to GO and DO what God wants you to do, even if it sounds crazy!  Don’t think for a minute that starting this website was MY idea…I’ve been dragging my feet since February!  I realized I do have the gall, the gall to live the joyfilled, peaceful  life God wants me to, and doing what He asks me to do.  And, so do you my, friend!  Go, Live, and Do!  You have the gall…just ask God for strenghth and courage.  He’s waiting, hoping today will be the day!

Isaiah 55:12

“You shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”


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