Can I just shave my legs?

Colored Changes May 25, 2009 Print | Email

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:21 pm

Mother’s Day.  I had hoped that it would be a fabulous day.  I wanted to look my best, so I even took time to color my hair that morning.  I was thinking about how wonderful my three little girls and I would look with our blonde hair in our traditional “Mom’s Day” pics, as I was drying my newly blonde locks.  As my hair was almost dry, I glanced in the mirror to give it a good brushing.  My eyes must have bugged out of their sockets as I realized that my hair was not the gorgeous blonde color I was used to seeing.  It was purple…no, more lavendar with a hint of green and gray.  I couldn’t believe it!  Here, I had my hopes up of being honored and looking beautiful.  But, once again, my plans got interrupted.  I had a choice to make.  I could cry and be upset, upsetting my kids after they had been so excited to shower me with cards and presents, or I could buck up and put my hair in a ponytail.  I decided to buck up, and put my hair up.  I even laughed.  It would be a Mother’s Day to remember, that’s for sure.  What happened?  I’m not sure.  It may have been a bad boxof hair color that had expired, or maybe my body chemistry had changed since my gallbladder surgery.  Anyway, as I went about my day with my newly colored hair, or “rock star” hair as I called it, I realized maybe I had something to learn.  Was I worrying too much about how I looked?  Was I worrying about what others thought of me and my “rock star” hair?  Was not having the pictures I wanted with my girls going to ruin the day?  I realized that God was leading me to focus on what was really important through my hair!  Worry is a big problem for me.  I didn’t need to worry about my hair that day, or the next day.  God knew what was going on.  There is a great passage in Matthew 6:25-34 about worrying.   It’s one that I have to read over and over again.  It may be a familiar passage to you, but I would encourage you to read it!  God was going to take care of me, and my “rock star” hair.  After all, I knew that He had helped me in much more desperate situations than a bad hair day.  Hair and appearances are important, but not that important.  They are not enough for me to dwell on, and get upset over.  There is always something- hence, “Can I Just Shave My Legs?”-but I needed to be reminded of all of the blessings I had to count that day, including being a mom to three healthy, amazing , beautiful little girls.  Eventually, God even helped me with my hair.  After the purple-lavendar color it did turn gray, and then green, and then finally back to a yellowish color.  It kind of reminded me of a bruise- the hurt and the coloring.  My hair incident hurt at first, and then the pain went away, and the hair color went back to normal!  God takes care of us, in any situation!  Is there a situation in your life that has happened unexpectedly that has caused you to worry?  I want to encourage you to not waste your time thinking or fretting over it.  Simply ask God for help, no matter how “hairy” the situation is and He will help!

Matthew 6:27

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”


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